martes, 12 de junio de 2012


There are several parts to creating a rich, vibrant atmosphere for learning:

1) Support their interests, as much as *they* need. Which involves getting them the stuff they want and need. Share what you know. Run related ideas through their lives. Listen to them talk about their interests. Be interested in their interests or at least appreciative of their passion. *Not* taking over their interest ;-)

2) Connect with them outside of their interests. Do things together. Have conversations. Tell them stories of their childhoods and yours. Go through old photo albums. Invite them to do household tasks with you, go shopping.

3) Take them places. Introduce them to new things. It doesn't need to be big deals. Grocery shop in new grocery stores. Drop into thrift stores and antique stores. Farmer's markets.

4) Be curious yourself. See the world through your kids' eyes. Wonder about things.

5) Strew. Sprinkle their environment with things to stumble across. (Bathrooms are particularly good for this.)

Joyce Fetteroll   (

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